

Category Racing

Wow, what an exiting race!!!Congratulations to the drivers, the Team and Mercedes. 

While I was following the race, many moments of exitement and memories of my 5 wins at this Magnificent race came back into my mind..:-))

…I miss you…

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Meine Gedanken sind bei Michael Schumacher

Category Private

Ich bin geschockt über den Skiunfall von Michael Schumacher und seinen Folgen. Es erinnert mich stark an meinen Rennunfall 2010 und wie sich meine Familie gefühlt haben muss.

Ich hoffe und wünsche ihm das allerbeste und meine Gedanken sind bei Ihm und seiner Familie.



Holiday Greetings

Category Private

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012

I hope you can  spend the most cosy time of the Year with your family and your closest friends.

1 Comment



Category Racing

Hello Everybody,
sorry I was gone for so long but at the moment I am still really busy with my rehabilitation as you will understand.
Agin like sometimes before, I can not run anymore because I alway get pain after running in my left hip. That is really annoying for me because I was runnin 3-4 times a week for 45mim to 1h.
My Neurological problems making very slowly progress and my vision to the right hemisphere is improving as well. At least what the therapist is telling me. Me personal I still don’t feel any improvement. So I have to continue to be patient and fight!
So overall I have to say I am pretty good comparing it where I have been 16 month ago and nearly dead!
I will continue to make progress and give you an update from time to time….

Thanks for all your support guys!!!

Take care



24h 2011 – Good Luck

Category 24h Nürburgring, Racing, Twitter, VLN

Hello Guys,

as most of you already know, I can not participate this year in the 24h of the Nordschleife for medical reasons. I am positive, that one day I will be able to drive again a car on the road and than we see what will happen!

For the moment I have to liv with my 5 wins at the 24h of the Nordschleife. …what could be worse 😉


I would like to thank the  team Manthey, I won 4 in row and Phoenix, I won the first one with.

I am sure Manthey Racing and my “old” teammates have experience enough and they don’t need my help….

…ok, maybe they do a bit…;-)

But I do wish the same for “my” other team called Phoenix Racing, which are doing a fantastic job at the moment in DTM and GT Racing as some of you know.


So my friends, till than I have to liv with my 5 24h wins in total.

I wish ALL of you good luck and hopefully a race without any incidents on the track!!

See you soon…




Ein kleines Update nach meinem VLN Besuch

Category Private, VLN

Hallo zusammen,

Hier ein kurzer Bericht von meinem VLN Besuch.

Ein besonderes Familien- und Teammitglied konnte Manthey-Racing an diesem Rennwochenende an der Strecke begrüßen: Marcel Tiemann schaute zum ersten Mal in diesem Jahr wieder an der Stätte seiner größten Erfolge vorbei! Zur großen Freude des Teams, mit dem er vier Mal das 24h-Rennen gewinnen konnte, und natürlich Familie Manthey, zeigte sich der Wahlmonegasse in viel besserer körperlicher Verfassung, als noch bei seinem ersten Besuch Ende der letztjährigen Saison. „Es ist nun knapp ein Jahr her, daß der schwere Unfall in Imola mein Leben veränderte, doch ich bin unverändert optimistisch, daß meine Gesundung weiterhin in die richtige Richtung führt“, konstatierte ein gut gestimmter Tiemann. „Ich hatte große Lust wieder Rennluft zu schnuppern und nutze diese Gelegenheit auch, um den vielen Fans und Freunden nochmals ganz herzlich für ihre aufmunternden Mails und lieben Genesungswünschen zu danken!“



Thank you very much

Category 24h Nürburgring, Intl. GT-Open, Private, Race Reports, Racing, Twitter, VLN


better late then never…;-)

I would like to say thank you to all of you who left me a message or comment on my blog.

I still have to read some of them. Most I have already read the last days since I am a bit better.

Just the not seeing to my right hemisphere gives me enough trouble to not read and writing anymore as before. It’s taking extremely long for me and is sometimes very frustrating. Anyhow, for now I have to start to liv with that, even though I don’t give up and hope it will get better in the future. 😉

This is my way of saying: “Thank You” to all of you for standing beside me in this time….

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Season Greetings 2010 and THANK YOU

Category Racing


I would like to say Thank you to all very close friends, friends and people who supported me in different ways the last months since Lancelotti caused the accident when he was driving into my car during a GT-Open event in Imola.

It really helped me a lot to pass This and Still most difficult time of my Life and Career.

As well I would like to especially thank my mother Angelika, Sisters Fabienne and Mariella, my brother Pascal for being there while I was in coma and in rehabilitation.

There were a lot more to mention here but I think everybody know anyway 😉

I would like to take this opportunity as well to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.

I hope you will spend the next days with your beloved ones….. 😉

Take good care about you………



Lancelotti, …….you can be very proud of yourself!!! Thanks for finishing my career as a driver.

Category Intl. GT-Open, Private, Racing

Thank you Angelo Lancelott for what you have done to me!

This year was definitely not my personal best one.

Now the only thing for me is to get better soon and make progress with myself.

Next to my memory- and orientation-problems, what should get better over the next years, I still have a handicap with my vision to the right side.

Its called Hemianopsie.

My first priority is now to get better and back to where I came from before the accident.

Getting back my vision on both eyes to the right, to be able to drive again, even for going only from A to B would be amazing.

The Neurologists say the chance is close to 0% !! But I try everything I can…

Than, if its going well, what I hope, I would like to see how I feel in the racecar again and if its possible for me.

But first, I have to get back my vision to the right and then I see….

…All this and much more problems I had, because of Angelo Lancelotti from Villois Racing  who caused the accident in Imola and drove into my car.

Until today I heard nothing from Lancelotti or the team Villois racing

I thinks that speak for itself what kind of character, or better NO CHARACTER the team and Lancelotti have!!!

I personally hope, that people who maybe (hopefully not) work with them together in the future, take this in mind how they both behaved and especially what Lancelotti was doing to me.

This behavior is unacceptable for a team to have a driver like him and for a driver its unacceptable to have a team like this.



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